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Other Resources




Backcountry ski resources


Skier touring up a ridge


Facebook Pages:

Backcountry YYC

Backcountry Skiing Partners Rockies/Roger's Pass

Kananaskis Country Public Safety Section




Get the latest Avalanche bulletins Confessions of a ski bum guide books for the bow valley



Ice climbing resources




Facebook pages: 

Canadian Rockies Ice Climbing

Alpine Climbs in the Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies Ice and Mixed App








Rock climbing resources





Facebook pages:

Bow Valley Climbing Crew


Websites: Includes the Free PDF version of Bow Valley Rock guidebook (2000) and some updated information. Please note that this information is out of date and may be misleading - use caution!


The Association of Bow Valley Rock Climbers Climber's Access Society of Alberta







SpotWX: a spot weather forecasting tool Weather radar, wind and waves forecast Dedicated mountain weather forecasts for more than 11300 (and growing) major summits for climbers and mountaineers, provided for up to 5 different elevations.

Environment Canada

The Weather Network




Other usefull Facebook pages for the region

Scrambling in the Canadian Rockies

Hiking/Scrambling in the Canadian Rockies 

BCR - Backpacking in the Canadian Rockies

Mountain & Alpine Running in the Canadian Rockies